Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Day After the Night Before or Rhinos with a Sore Head

(There's a law in nature that states that the size of one's hangover is roughly proportional to the number of drinks you've had the night before. There's also another law that states that the more you drink, the more you forget about the first law!!)

In stark contrast to the cloudy haze in some people's heads the next morning, the sky's above Tala were brilliantly clear and blue. The storm, rain and cloud of the night before had gone, replaced by bright, eye piercingly, head splittingly bright sunshine (at least for those who had succumb to the the laws of nature I mentioned before - to protect the guilty I won't name names!!). Not being one of them (I out grew those shenanigans years ago) I could appreciate the spectacular beauty of Tala and its animals in the full light of day. It was wonderful to see the rhinos, which had been quite illusive up until now, grazing on the roadside very close to the lodges. 

Herds of wildebeest, impala, zebra and a family of warthogs had  also congregated by the roadside, giving us a spectacular send off as we were driving out. Despite the fact that you are not allowed to walk through the game reserve at any time, we did have to stop at a zebra crossing once. 

As if we hadn't had enough drinking, eating and partying, an after party, put on by our more than generous hosts, Adam and Collette, was held that afternoon at the Flynnlands Sports Club back at the Bluff (Durban). With a great (but loud) band, a few beers, a braai (Saffa BBQ) and rugby on the big screen, it was a great way to wrap up a great weekend. On behalf of myself, Leanne, our kids and the rest of your friends and family, I would like to thank to you both for a wedding that will go down as one of the all time greats (except for ours 20 years ago of course!!!). 

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