Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weddings, Wombats and Hippos (Part 2)

I need to explain something before I go any further. Adam has acquired a few nicknames over the years, at school he was AB. My memory is fading a little but I'm pretty sure it was self appointed and not because he possessed cricketing skills akin to the Australian captain at the time or anything but more I think that he had a limited imagination!! Later, in his early working career, he received the dubious title of wombat. Now, in Australian folk legendary, you don't receive the name wombat because you are cute, fury and cuddly (although Collette might disagree) but because you allegedly dine on vegetation and depart afterwards (now this is a G rated blog so if my international readers don't follow the euphemism - look it up!!). Alas there is a much less provocative explanation. It turns out that when Adam was operating the radar screens at Air Traffic Control, he had the brightness turned down so low his colleagues said he must be nocturnal. Lucky he didn't become known as fruit bat or badger!! Sorry to burst the bubble mate!! As for Collette and hippos, well they're her favourite animal. Hippos are also nocturnal so there must be some supernatural serendipity thing going on here somewhere!! It is quite appropriate then that the hippo and the wombat became the symbols of union for Collette and Adam at this wedding.

I can see why Tala was chosen for the wedding. Beautiful scenery and the promise of wild exotic animals passing by made this a most unique and very African experience. Proteas (the flower not the cricket team) adorned the tables and chairs and a beautifully decorated arbour framed a spectacular view out over the game reserve where the service was to take place.

Now I've got to put a plug in for the boys now whilst I have a chance as it's all about the bride later!! Best man Scott (Robbo) Robertson and groomsman Kieran Donaghy did an admirable job keeping Adam calm on his big day and they all scrubbed up pretty well - one might even say handsome looking!! I think they were all still on a high from their spectacular entrance, arriving  in a helicopter and buzzing the wildlife, causing a mini stampede - fortunately not through the wedding lodge!!

All the bravado and machoism the boys were displaying went to pot however when Collette arrived. I've know Adam a long time and we have been through some times together, however the moment he saw Collette in her stunning dress, being escorted down the aisle by her father Dermot (Mac), Adam went all aquiver with tears welling up in his eyes (he claims it was dust settling from the helicopter ride!!). I don't blame him, it was a beautiful and emotional moment for everyone!!

It was a beautiful ceremony and it was unmistakable the love both bride and groom shared for each other. Either that or the sheer relief they were both experiencing that so many months of planning and organising had gone off without a hitch  well, with a hitch actually!!). 

May I now introduce Mr and Mrs Brown...

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